Date & time: 2023-08-06 10:09:22 (UTC)
Local time at epicenter: Sunday, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:09 pm
Latitude/ Longitude: 1.078°S 120.273°E
Epicenter: Tolai Barat, Torue, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi
Magnitude: 5.3
Depth: 10.0 km
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Nearby towns/cities
- 48.6 km (30.2 mi) ESE of Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- 64 km (39.8 mi) WNW of Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- 164.4 km (102.1 mi) N of Masamba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- 213.3 km (132.5 mi) N of Palopo, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- 214.7 km (133.4 mi) N of Rantepao, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) Scale:
- IV - V Sigi
- III - IV Parigi
- III Palu
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