Ucayali Earthquake: M 5.3 - 36 km ENE of San Fernando, Peru

Date & time: 2023-09-02 11:11:02 (UTC)
Local time at epicenter: Saturday, Sep 2, 2023 at 6:11 am
Latitude/ Longitude: 8.232°S 74.248°W
Epicenter: Calleria, 25000, Peru
Magnitude: 5.3
Depth: 149.2 km

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Nearby towns/cities
  • 36.8 km (22.9 mi) ENE of San Fernando, Ucayali, Peru
  • 37.4 km (23.2 mi) ENE of Pucallpa, Ucayali, Peru
  • 131.1 km (81.5 mi) SE of Contamana, Loreto, Peru
  • 185.8 km (115.5 mi) WSW of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil
  • 225.7 km (140.2 mi) ENE of Tingo María, Huanuco, Peru

  • USGS: M 5.3 - 36 km ENE of San Fernando, Peru
  • IRIS 

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