M 4.8 - 9 km W of El Pitahayo, Mexico

Date & time: 2023-10-14 02:06:01 (UTC)
Local time at epicenter: Friday, Oct 13, 2023 at 8:05 pm
Latitude/ Longitude: 16.524°N 98.615°W
Epicenter: Azoyú, Guerrero, Mexico
Magnitude: 4.8
Depth: 38.9 km

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Nearby towns/cities
  • 9.3 km (5.8 mi) W of El Pitahayo, Guerrero, Mexico
  • 22.1 km (13.8 mi) WNW of Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero, Mexico
  • 28.8 km (17.9 mi) SW of Ometepec, Guerrero, Mexico
  • 58.6 km (36.4 mi) ESE of Cruz Grande, Guerrero, Mexico
  • 148.5 km (92.3 mi) SE of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico

  • USGS: M 4.8 - 9 km W of El Pitahayo, Mexico
  • IRIS 

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